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Don't call my name
Don't call my name
WSSS 1E'06
WSSS 2E'07
WSSS 3C'08
WSSS 4C'09

SP 3



wei xian

agnes EMO
jie chun
kokho my best fren
meixuan jiejie ^_^
mr seah
ting ting
twoE 4eva
wanzhen zi nu

Monday, March 08, 2010

wow im old lerh...frm youth to tertiary
my last in youth service was spectacular........ly gruesome
well before that i went to ion to get myself a new shirt frm EDIT
its really nice...n so is the price but the quality is good
so spent some time wanderwing around orchard road until 11.45
when i reached nexus went to have a nice chat with my best friends
afterall i wont see them lerh
so service started learnt alot which i later implemented into my new group
after service went to the stairwell...d time is coming
then regina said : "ok we r here to celebrate malcolm's farewell"
whats so good about farewell? i wont see all my loveable frens...n animals
anyway things change n we must accept it
afterall im only part of a bigger plan
so went for lunch at meridien n had some awkward scary hyper experiences
i was talking to some frens n letting them play my iphone
then suddenly "cockroach cockroach!!!!!!!!"
d girls jumped n screamed lol EPIC!
so it headed for kenny n kenny jumped n screamed like a little girl
i as laughing...until i saw d cockroach was running into d bag containing my new shirt
i screamed n rushed for my bag n took my food to a diff place but it headed my way...sian
peiying...d bird was so scared she jumped n nearly knocked over some bowls
so the cockroach ran back home but we were on high alert still
then...another bug...mealworms!
our dear fren melissa ate like 7 mealworms GROSS
n bcoz CJ burped n didnt say "excuse me" we forced him to eat it haha
ok time to get going headed back to nexus for a while n played truth or dare
but later it had to end coz meeting starting
i attended the meeting for a while then went to meet my new grp sobs...
i was a little scared n apprehensive at first coz i didnt know what it would be like
but i was ok coz i rmb jeremy said "u will be as cool as us"...dono if supposed to be good or wad
anyway jeremy is super nice to me n guided me thru everything
met new ppl like melvin, ryan, hanyang (gagagon), tony, cnt rmb lerh lol
lol as intro i told them not to bully me so much n they siad they try not to...uhoh
melvin asked "how r u?"
i replied "just now got teaching say must say the full thing cannot superficial blah blah"
n melvin was like "O.O huh?" lol cute sia!
so we went inside d reception n guess wad..."ra ra ra ah ah roma roma ma ga ga o la la"
awesome n then everyone was singing d song then "i wanna hold'em like they do in texas please"
EPIC WIN i immediately found home there!
so i asked hanyang "do u like gaga?" he said tt she was quite good! OMG AWESOME!!!!!!!!
during service...d teaching struck me so hard tt i was unconsciously in shock
"the only thing tts constant is change" n now tt im in tertiary d change im gonna make is huge
*CHANGE WE NEED* insert obama here
after praise n worship went to 6 floor to d unofficial nexus extension
went thru introduction n now im d GaGaFreak of SP lerh
so I made many frens n even though there were inside jokes i enjoyed myself
on d way to dinner we had to take a lift n since there were like 20+ of use we had to squeeze
n i had to lie on melvin...n he was surprisingly comfortable...EEW
trauma trauma he said coz of his "muscular chest" imma throw up...lol
i told him tt he gives me traumas n nightmares n he said smting like lester "ok u better stop it"
lol so then i think tivona said i was like melvins brother n i told her tt im d smart one lol "SELF PROCLAIMED" hahan tivona replied "good u have self confidence"
so then melvin asked me if i played basketball...being the ball frm magneton n VWESTA
i said "no but i'm the ball"
we had a laugh n we slowly walked to just acia for dinner
during dinner i leant my iPhone to hanyang n tony haha both had fun fighting...n TONY GOT TOM YUM ON MY IPHONE COVER!!!!!!!!! its ok i can forgive him.
so on d bus back made new frens yay
meiyi lol stayed nearby n we had a nice chat bout being young n old
overall poly service is full of cool ppl n i lovem

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

hey girl, i know you are reading this
i also know what you did
and i want you to know something
if you were to do something like this
dont to it to someon who loves you
so i would like to dedicate something to you
also i want you to take your memories and go

I saw a shadow, and I knew that it wasn’t mine
You and him, I know that you were intertwined
Even though, his clothes were on and everything
Your eyes were somewhere else and you were both to blame

Don’t say a word I’m sure that it won’t be enough
To erase what I know just happens now what dreams are made of
This is my house and I won’t allow the disrespect
Baby, don’t look at me like that I don’t belong to you, run away

Cause baby now that your caught what am I supposed to say
When your so wrong in what you did but I still feel this way
I can’t believe it, or forget it, what I saw today
And if you’re wondering if I’m staying, answer is no way
No Way (I can't believe it)
No Way (I can’t believe it babe)
No Way

Thought that I saw, something I know did not belong to me
But then I thought that there’s no way you would do that to me
And then last week, when you went outside to use your phone
I felt a chill but told myself that it was from the cold
And I just woke up, but I wish that it was a nightmare
Cause when I have those, it isn’t real like this one is
This is my heart, and I won’t allow the disrespect
Baby, don’t look at me like that
I don't belong to you run away

Cause baby now that your caught what am I supposed to say
when it’s so wrong that what you did but I still feel this way
I can’t believe it, or forget it, what I saw today
And if you’re wondering if I’m staying, answer is no way
No Way (I can't believe it)
No Way (I can’t believe it babe)
No Way

Get your things and go
You can take the dinner leftover from last night
I made you your favorite,

Cause baby now that your caught what am I supposed to say
when it’s so wrong that what you did but I still feel this way
I can’t believe it, or forget it, what I saw today
And if you’re wondering if I’m staying, answer is no way
No Way (I can't believe it)
No Way (I can’t believe it babe)
No Way

No Way

Monday, February 08, 2010

i love all my frens and fans lol
so i thought i shld do smting special
im gonna turn assign everyone an ice cream flavour

flavour : Dark Chocolate and Orange
quality : its sweet and bitter at the same time, and its different + addictive
why : a person like Alester is hard to find and there are many beatiful qualities about him
hes also very unique in a sense that his gentleness is quite unexpected hence, alester is
easily liked and u just want to be around him

flavour : Raspberry Sorbet
quality : sweet + sour, gives your mouth a work out, addictive and perfect for sharing
why : Lester is well liked by everyone and he makes everyone laugh. He is also very sweet
and kind even though he doesn't always show it. His words maybe sour at times but its all
for play and its fun to talk with him. He may seem harsh but hes an xtremely nice person.

flavour : Strawberry Cheesecake
quality : sweet, enjoyable, addictive, makes your day better and makes you want more
why : Amanda has good looks and just like the icecream, it looks delicious (dont think too much)
and people who spend time with her can tell she is very easy to get along with. People who
enjoy going outdoors will definitely enjoy going out with Amanda and this icecream.

flavour : Vanilla
quality : world's favourite icecream flavour, sweet, goes well with anything and addictive
why : Everyone knows Teena is very child-like and innocent. She is the epitome of peace due to
her cheerful disposition. Being able to brighten up any bad day with just a smile, a true
friend and noone should let her go if not they will lose a treasure who looks like an aunty.

flavour : Macadamia Nut Brittle
quality : sweet, crunchy, addictive, goes well with any topping, eating it is a pleasure
why : Kah Ling may have a tough n cao-lao extrior but she is a truely nice person. The brittle is
like her tough exterior, after u go through it, the best parts can be found. Naturally sweet,
it is a pleasure to be her friend and can make any day better. She is also very witty (:

flavour : Peaches And Cream
quality : fresh, tasty, delightful, sweet, addictive, new and funky
why : Husnaini is a gentle and sweet girl (ahem) and she has a very unique personalitywhich is a blend of intellect, humour and emphaty. A unique girl deserves a unique flavour to describe her sense of style and thought. Plus she also deserves the most unique group of friends, MAGNETON

Friday, February 05, 2010

wow ytd was amazing
ok here it goes
met bernard at arnd 4.30 at bpp mac
we took 184 to clementi interchange
on d way thr...bernard was doing his card coz he nva do
so halfway...he fell asleep
so we alighted and searched for the rest
went on a wild goose chase coz info provided was wrong
finally found them and waited for kenny and sherwen
in about 15min we are all here so we strolled to the place i dono whr
reached lerh settled down
looked at the menu then heard "sherwen, we help u pay"
i was like "i gotta go first" coz later he order the most ex de lol
i ordered d mushroom n onion murteba...dono how to spell...and milo dinosaur
at first wanted milo godzilla
*insert RUN! GODZILLA! sound effect*
so we had our fill and we passed d goodbye cards to sherwen
when i took mine out everyone was like WOAH
sherwen said "i trust tt malcolm will make d best card." (:
so we gave our "affirmation" even thou we were making fun of him
sherwen turn...OMG HE MADE CARDS FOR US
you can tell he really treasure us coz he wont do this thing even if we pay him to
so he talked and thnked us for like 30-40min we sat there n listen...zzzzzz
while he was talking...changjie kept on saying gaga sux so i called him outside to settle it
then we prayed for him and we went home
so we headed to the mrt and along the way sherwen moaned bout needing to go bak to school
i then said "me too i need to go back...wait no i dont (:"
he shout at me lol then keny said "i tml no school"
hi-5 and the rest were grumbling coz all in sec school
so i said "kenny bb we go home" kenny assumed we take bus but we said walk
kenny said "siao so far nvm bb have fun"
so we walked...3min thru...we needed to search for toilet urgently
finished lerh...abit lost and confused
but thx to apple iPhone 3GS and GPS we found our way (:
we walk we talk...possibly woke up the neighborhood
so we walked pass maju camp...all d ns guys al look at us coz they knew we were walking somewhr and we did not stay anywhr near
i said "30min of walking...1 1/2hr more to go"
can c d expression on their face they were like ZOMG WALK SO FAR!
definitely put them to shame haha
by the time we reached bukit timah...sherwen was exhausted
he sat down coz his legs were abt to break lol
however i was surprisingly active and didnt sweat at all and still could walk
lol the strange thing was tt i was heavier and supposed to feel more tired
so we walked pass rail mall...near ly there
finall after an uneventful 20min of walking we reached home
my feet were abt to break but tts okay i like it (:
c u guys another day muarx
btw i didnt make the appeal WAT THE BLEAH!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

yay service!
my fav day of the week...unless i go shopping
went to cck to meet my LG members...about4 of us only
kenny was in nexus n bernard had a visitor
went to interchange for 190 while we hatched a plan to surprise ppl heh
on the bus there was a guy
when 190 reached pheonix station the door didnt open
so that guy started kicking the door screaming "DA KAI MEN!"
crazy! we were all shocked! he was kicking it with gr8 force it was a miracle the glass didnt break
so the bus drove off and the guy got even more agitated
he forced his way thru and reached the driver
i think he shouted at the driver to open the door
after he left everyone was like...OMG WTB JUST HAPPEN!
so we continued on the journey reached nexus arnd 12+ late for PM
2 1/2 hrs later service ended and we chionged to concorde for our lunch
but we dapao coz we were supposed to go to SMU
sherwen n i bought the same thing and i told him to get the kimchi heehee
so we strolled down to SMU
along the way saw the thaipusam procession
wow quite interesting i nva saw it LIVE b4 usually on tv and books
so we serpentined thru the crowd and reached the rendezvous point
ate lunch there and played lame games with lame forfeits
while having our lunch...sherwen tasted the kimchi and went EEEEEEEWWW
heh heh heh...sherwen gave me all his kimchi saying "how can u like smting so disgusting?"
i love kimchi and i tricked him out of his (:...out of accident
next we played a game...i lost it and had to do a forfeit
i had to walk up to an empty space and shouted "happy birthday shazalind!"
tts only coz sherwen said tt i had to do a forfeit if i lost
but in the end he said "if i lost i wouldnt do it"
tt devious little numbskull
o well it was fun
next we went to play games (:
first game involved us taking a bite of raw bittergourd...doing charades and knocking down bottles and stomping on balloons...zzzzzzz
when it was my turn i was a little slow haha
ran up...took a bite of the bitter gourd BLECH!
did micheal jackson impression and knock over the bottles and burst balloons
spat out the bittergourd and someone...stepped on it...eeew
gonna get my revenge on the guy hu made us do it
then we surprised shazalind with her bday cake (:
after we all tot it was over...we surprised XiHwee with her bday!
yay...d weird part was tt XiHwee was one of the game master too (:
so headed to taka to meet my mom and aunt for dinner (:
first we went to the SingTel shop to check out my iPhone
gonna get it on d 12.2.2010
then we went to ion orchard to shop for CNY clothes
went to topman...nothing special lol
went to EDIT...hmmm
i found nice clothes there decided to try it
one short sleeve and one 3/4 sleeve
wanted both but the short sleeve has a broken button and it was the last piece
so went for the 3/4 sleeved shirt
my mom said "CNY wear Black?"
i said "Black is the new Red" (:
dinners next so off to food opera
my first experience was bad
i ate bakchormee...noodles were overcooked and chilli was...too...wadeva
so i tried it agn...much better...coz the first time a young guy cooked it
i think the shifu smacked the boy for being a bad cook lol
the bakchormee was unexpectedly good...n confusing
there were 3 diff pricing for the bakchormee
$5/6/7 wads d diff besided d size??? no idea
well it was time to go home coz it was 11pm lerh
going back to EDIT to shop agn (:
bb c u (:

Monday, January 25, 2010

woke up at 8.30 and took a nice bath...it was super cold
picked out my clothing chose formal coz...
amanda : "wear more formal hor coz teena and i wearing formal."
so i wore formal
when i reached yewtee mccafe like 10.30lerh
but i was just nice...the rest were early and call me late
in the end saw amanda wear red and black like sunburned penguin
and teena...look like the pasar malam aunty lol
even got the same bag! FTW...teena if u reading this...i only joking
so ate breakfast there (:
left for bugis on mrt...saw police officers
amanda want their pic so we tell her go there say "can i have a pic with u?"
reached bugis arnd...idk wat time and went kinokuniya
but b4 tt teena wanted to go toilet and there was a toilet in front of her
but no she dun wan...she wan go there highest toilet for some reason
went to kino...she was googooing over haipaitianxing...i think
went to bugis street to shop
wanted to buy a gaga shirt but cant find
called xinying...but so useless...no help lulz
in the end cant find haix
but luky for amanda she found her nice outfit
we then got a shirt for lester heh surprise surprise
after tt went to iluma for arcade
not many games there but we had fun
teena and amanda played d drum thing
and amanda and i played ddr...fail
alester played d bball game and rocked
played air hockey! alot of own goals zzzzzzzzzzz
in the end alester and i tied
then it was time for amanda and teena to play
*lol session commence*
basically they either owngoaled themself or just stoned there
so then i fought teena...we own goaled each other lol
but i won (: expected
then we walked to suntec and bought oolongcha on the way
mmmmm amanda bought chysemthemum + greentea mix
she didnt like it so i tried...i didnt like it too
reached suntec and had our lunch at toastbox
saw lester working...at first he didnt c us then when he saw...he was like OMGSHIT
decided to make his life hell lol we ordered food
he made meesiam frm alester and laksa for me
i was careful coz he wanted to kill me lol
not bad! his food was tasty and refreshing! i am shocked lol
on d way to the arcade
teena and amanda went to the virtualsim
evensuch a virtual dsim could make teena scream!
zoom zoom zoom AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA zoom zoom zoom
lol took a pic of teena face and it was like boomz
so we went to play arcade but d gals needed to use toilet so we walked around the place
halfway thru i picked up $15
check our waleets to c if anyone dropped it...no...so to the arcade!
alester and i played a cop game...he won the first i won d second...
d aim of the gun is terribly off!
then teena amanda alester n i went to play racing
had fun crashing into things!
alester and i won yay!
lets just say the car ride was crazy! d driver can change anytime and it got us killed
then we went on to haus of dead 4
teena amanda got owned
i had to give them instructions coz i played it b4 with lester longy
in the end left alester and i
with alester dead i managed to make it alone to stage 5
but with the lack of tokens...i died when i met the boss
so sad...but i still did better than everyone (:
i always got amazing perfect excellent good (:
so hu says i have bad aim...i practiced since i was young
with the end of our arcade run went to toastbox to look for lester
yay lester korh so good treat us milo...not me...zzzzzzz
then passed him the tshirt with the words "zai nan" on it
haha sang happy birthday and went to get alester his bday gift but he di want
oso we have no time coz amanda need to go home
went mrt dlong way...coz lester told us to follow him
on d way...addidas played Lady GaGa - Bad Romance...good taste
on d train i shared ear phone with lady gaga and played bad romance for her
she wan me send the song so i sent it to her
halfway thru...lester d dumbass (kidding pls dun kill me) pressed cancel
must resend
then she wanted Lady GaGa - Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)
so managed to send it b4 reaching cck
wanted to wave to her on d train but she nva look here zzzz
so went to lot one look for gundam...cant find nice one so went home arnd 9
tts it had fun n i carpe diem - ed (:

Sunday, January 24, 2010

well...first things first
finally since im back in singapore i went for my first lg (:
it was at kennys haus
met around 3.30 at bpp mc
saw peiying and weixian
peiying was playing iphone lol she play until dono how to talk
so when we were leaving i had to force peiying to return d iphone
reached kennys haus after a long climb
his haus was at hillview n its amazing
played a few gams and went into teachings
heh some arrows flew but we had fun learning
then sherwen and i walked home tgt
we were discussing about our future
he was surprised tt i could feel happy even if i got quite bad results
im trying to be positive (:
1hr later im home phew
next day service (:
first service in nexus in 2 months
saw many faces
had fun singing n jumping
learnt alot
i need to face my problem but i must also recognise it
pride...anger...selfishness...jealousy...all needs to be faced
after service went to istana park
played games...embarrassed myself :P
we were given pandan cake and had to cr8 an advertisement for it
cant beat my cant beat my no u cant beat my pandan cake
it is very nice
p-p-p-pandan cake
p-p-pandan cake
yum yum yum yum
wth lol so rushed off to somerset meet my mom
went to aunts haus at khatib
played piano and went to grandma haus to eat